The Present of Things Past

As stated in one of Zeno’s nine paradoxes, an arrow in flight is “somewhere” and “somewhere in transit”, implying the flow of time as a continuum. Thereafter, approximately a thousand years after Zeno, the theologian Augustine of Hippo attempted to categorize time by writing, “perhaps it would be exact to say: there are three times -… Continue reading The Present of Things Past

History of the Joy Plant 

In an evolutionary blink of the eye, the Agricultural Revolution changed the course of world history. It not only catapulted the homo sapien population, but also propelled a few plants into becoming the most successful species in the history of the earth. Wheat, maize, rice, and potatoes went from being wild, uncultivated crops to accounting… Continue reading History of the Joy Plant 

Sugar Daddy

Sugar has played a key role in the history of humanity since it was domesticated on the island of New Guinea approximately 10,000 years ago. The New Guineans picked the cane and ate it raw. They, like billions of people afterwards, were hooked and the sugar cane was featured prominently in their myths. Thereafter, sugar… Continue reading Sugar Daddy